Go Team Drake!
What a great weekend for Drake! We had five solo champions, two teams champions, 28 World qualifiers, many top 5's and top 10's,...
Kathleen's Sassy Socks Available!
Kathleen's Sassy Socks made their premier at the New England Oireachtas! They will also be available for purchase at the Norcross studio...

Ribbon Cutting!
Mr. Karl and Miss Elaine unveiled the new studio in Norcross last Friday night! #ribboncutting #2014 #norcross #studio

Congratulations to Ashley Breihan, TCRG!
Congratulations to Ashley Breihan, TCRG! Welcome to the Drake staff! #2014 #ashleybreihan #tcrg

Welcome, Miss Moira!
We would like to welcome Miss Moira, our newest TCRG, to the Drake family! #2014 #moirafishman #tcrg

Drake Ice Bucket Challenge!
Check out Karl Drake's Ice Bucket Challenge, in memory of Maureen Harling: #2014 #karldrake #icebucketchallenge
Feis ATL & Hotlanta Feis Meeting Tuesday Night!
With Feis ATL and the NEW Hotlanta Feis around the corner, we are looking for volunteers and committee heads to help. Please come to an...
Attention: Extra Oireachtas Hotel Now Available!
The Oireachtas host hotel is almost full so they have extended the same general rate for their sister hotel, the Rosen Plaza, which is...
2014 Florida Oireachtas Workshops!
Thank you to all of the teachers, students and parents for making our Sarasota and Fort Lauderdale workshops a success! And, as always, a...

2014 Atlanta Oireachtas Workshop!
The 17th annual Atlanta Oireachtas Workshop was a success! Thank you to all dancers and teachers, and a very special thank you to Miss...