Oireachtas T-shirt
The Oireachtas T-shirt design has been finalized! Please download the order form here to see the front and back of the shirt.
The t-shirts this year will be red, white, and blue in honor of the Oireachtas being held in D.C.! All dancers' names are on the back. Cost per shirt is $25 - made payable to FBID. Please return your payment and order forms to Miss Amanda no later than Monday, November 11th.
Orders will be collected in Norcross between now and Mr. Karl's upcoming Oireachtas workshop. Feel free to turn your orders in at the Norcross studio, and Miss Amanda will pick them up then! If you live out of town and will be mailing your order to Miss Amanda, please make sure it arrives by Monday, November 11th. No late orders will be taken.
Any questions, contact Miss Amanda directly at aacirish@gmail.com.